Bruce Eckel 《java编程思想》 作者
Bruce Eckel是MindView公司的总裁,C++标准委员会拥有表决权的成员之一,拥有应用物理学学士和计算机工程硕士学位。Bruce Eckel从1984年至今,已经发表了超过150篇计算机技术文章,出版了6本书.他的《Thinking in C++》一本书在1995年被评为“最佳软件开发图书”,《Thinking in Java》被评为1999年Java World“最受读者欢迎图书”,并且赢得了编辑首选图书奖,同时还是《C++编程思想》的作者。
Failing at Failing: How and Why We've Been Moving Away From Exception Handling
Exception handling became a mainstream concept when it was introduced into C++. With checked exceptions, Java pushed the experiment even further. But how well has exception handling really solved the problem it was intended for? No other language since Java has adopted checked exceptions, and some new languages like Go have avoided exceptions altogether, while languages like Erlang take a completely different approach to failure. In this presentation, I'll look at the history of error reporting, early attempts at error handling and recovery, the problems introduced by exception handling, the illusion that we can recover from errors, and how new and existing languages are decoupling themselves from exceptions and moving towards simply reporting errors.